The GMC - A Regulator Afraid of Transparency?

Over the last week it has become apparent that the General Medical Council (GMC) - the UK PSA Regulator for Doctors1 - has been systematically hiding content publish on its website relating to PAs and AAs from Search Engines and blocking The Internet Archive from archiving snapshots of their website.

While there is certainly considerable controversy about the role of PAs & AAs, the decision for the GMC to become their regulator, and scope of practice this post is singly about the behaviour and actions of the GMC. It is unfortunately the case that the lack of transparency and candour being demonstrated relates to information on PAs and AAs.

An Accidental Discovery

I initially discovered that something was wrong on Monday the 16th of September 2024 when I attempted to archive the this page on the GMC website providing information on the future process of revalidation for PAs and AAs and encountered the following:

Screen capture of the Internet Archive "Save Page" for showing a 403 (Forbidden) error received by the crawler from the GMC website when attempting to archive it
Screen capture of the Internet Archive "Save Page" for showing a 403 (Forbidden) error received by the crawler from the GMC website when attempting to archive it

Now there are a number of reasons why the crawler might be blocked from accessing a website so this error alone shouldn’t be taken as evidence of a deliberate systematic attempt to prevent archiving of pages.

If we look at the homepage of the GMC website and scroll back to 2022 in the Internet Archive we can see that crawlers start to encounter 4xx errors (denoted by the orange colour coding on the calendar view) on the 24th of September 20222. These appear to be successful captures of the page but if you view the archived copy it is an error message from Cloudflare:

Sorry, you have been blocked
You are unable to access

This blocking only impacts specific archivists/ bots (that majority of which appear to be run directly by the Internet Archive directly or on behalf of clients/ institutions)3 while permitting others e.g Common Crawl, GDELT Project (that are independent of the Internet Archive) to continue to preserve snapshots. This pattern is repeated across the whole GMC website not just the home page.

It is worth explaining that while the Internet Archive appears to be one single service is actually hosts captured pages from multiple different archivists (and their bots) not just pages saved by their own crawler (archive.org_bot).

Asking the GMC

As seems to be only way to get a response from the GMC I took to Twitter to ask them about this (and bring lots of eyeballs to their behaviour):

After picking this up at ~10am the GMC social media team allegedly looked into this with their IT department to come up with the following response:

The error in my original complaint clearly shows that the Internet Archive Save Page Now crawler received a HTTP 403 Forbidden error demonstrating that the issue is not with the Internet Archive but the GMC web server or likely in this case the CDN(Cloudflare) configured by the GMC IT team to protect it.

Therefore this response demonstrates one or a combination of the following:

  1. Lack of competence from the GMC IT team

    Demonstrated by the seeming inability to understand the basics of how the internet works and common error codes (403) and their meaning, not to mention how they have configured the GMC website infrastructure.

  2. Failure to consult / adequately communicate with IT by the social media team

    It is possible the social media team didn’t share the Tweet and/or attached screen capture showing the error information to the IT team and so got an inadequate response. They may also have not asked the IT team and constructed a response themselves. Some other communication failure may also have occurred.

  3. Wilful obfuscation of an established policy and technical countermeasures to enforce it

    It is possible that someone in the chain of responding to this query wilfully decided to obscure a policy to block the Internet Archive crawlers. Or the policy to block the crawlers is only known to a few individuals e.g Cloudflare configuration was updated but not widely documented or shared with the whole IT team.

A Damning Further Discovery

Engaging in the discussion on Twitter surrounding my initial public question led me to more closely analyse the page that had initially been blocked and led to the discovery of a subtle difference in the raw HTML source code compared to other similar pages on the GMC website.

This page (and the other pages in the same section on PA and AA regulation) carried an additional meta tag: <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> this extra bit of code tells internet search engines that the page must not be indexed and prevents it showing in search results on e.g Google.

Screen capture of the source code for the page showing the additional <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> tag
Screen capture of the source code for the page showing the additional <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> tag

The concerning thing is that this extra instruction to hide pages from search results appears to be limited to pages on PAs and AAs. Looking at a similar page on revalidation but for Doctors we find the following source code that lacks the extra meta tag.

Screen capture of the source code for the view-source: page showing empty space were the the additional <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> tag was on the other page
Screen capture of the source code for the page showing empty space were the the additional <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> tag was on the other page

Now while using the <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> is an established method of excluding pages from search results it presents an issue if you are trying to discover which pages on a website have been excluded. The only method is to manually examine pages. The more usual method is to use a robots.txt file but if we examine the GMCs we find the following which is unhelpful in determining if only PA and AA pages are being excluded:

User-agent: *
Allow: /

Back on Twitter the community had also been investigating and found that a News article entitled “More information on PAs and AAs” from October 2023 also has the noindex tag:

Scrolling back through articles in the GMC News Archive it appears that this page has since been unlisted and is only accessible via a direct link. Reviewing the listed pages in the archive the following also had noindex added:

Is This Intentional?

It is not possible to be certain with the evidence currently available but there are two questions to be considered:

  1. Is the GMC explicitly hiding specific PA and AA related content so it doesn’t appear in search results
  2. Is the GMC attempting to restrict the Internet Archive from preserving the historic state of their website.

Considering what has been set out above it is difficult to come up with a logical explanation for why specific pages on the GMC website have the additional <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> tag. Particularly when the only known pages all seem to mention PAs or AAs.

The only explanation I can construct to follow Hanlon’s razor is that the GMC don’t want out-of-date and rapidly changing information on PAs and AAs to end up in search results/ snippets leading to confusion of the general public4. However, this explanation doesn’t account for either:

Given the above on the balance of probabilities it is very likely that there is a policy to explicitly hide specific PA and AA related content so it doesn’t appear in search results. It is unclear what the justification of this might be but the Hanlon’s razor explanation doesn’t appear to hold water.

Restricting the Internet Archive from preserving the historic state of the GMC website

It is much harder to conclude even on the balance of probabilities on whether or not the GMC is employing technical countermeasures to intentionally restrict the Internet Archive from preserving their website as the available information is mostly circumstantial.

Alongside what has already been outlined regarding the inconsistent blocking of archivists/ bots it is also worth considering the following:

To summarise what we know: From at least the 24th of September 2022 onwards a number of Internet Archive operated bots including their Save Page Now tool have been blocked from archiving the GMC website instead capturing an error message from Cloudflare. Google (and their bot googlebot) don’t appear to have been impacted. Third party archivists including Common Crawl (CCBot) and The GDELT Project that contribute to the Internet Archive also don’t appear to have been impacted.

Considering Hanlon’s razor we could assume that the GMC IT team want to block bots from scraping the medical register - both for commercial reasons and potentially the performance impact on their servers due to the likely dynamic nature of those pages. Given what we know about Cloudflare’s bot protection settings and verified bots it is likely that a specific custom configuration was used to increase the bot protection vs. default settings. However again this doesn’t account for:

In coming to a conclusion it is also worth noting that through further investigation it appears that the Internet Archive’s Save Page Now tool doesn’t present itself as archive.org_bot when taking snapshots of a website. This means that it is entirely possible that Cloudflare may block this in default configurations where verified bots are permitted. However while this may explain the issue that started this all it doesn’t account for the blocking of other Internet Archive bots3 which do present themselves as archive.org_bot.

Given the inconsistencies in creating an alternative explanation it seems more plausible that there is a specific (although partially ineffective) attempt to restrict the Internet Archive from preserving the historic state of the GMC website. It may be that this is an unintentional side-effect to protect the medical register from scraping - but no consistent explanation currently supports this. The GMC social media team also don’t put the organisation (or the IT Team) in a good light when we consider their response.

Freedom of Information Requests

One way of shining more light on this and getting a hopefully more logical response from the GMC than that provided by their social media team is to use Freedom of Information Act 2000 to compel a response. However, it is well know that organisations routinely mislead in responses, interpret requests narrowly to avoid disclosure, or attempt to apply exceptions to requests.

Therefore, carefully constructed and specific requests need to be formulated to elicit the following:

  1. A list of the current pages on the website including their URLs that have the <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> tag
  2. A list of the historic pages on the website including their URLs (or content if no longer accessible) that had the <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> tag at some point
  3. The supplier of the content management system used to manage the GMC website
  4. The name of the content management system/software
  5. Determine the cost of implementing the feature to add the <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> tag
  6. When this feature was added
  7. When a request to first enable or use this functionality was made
  8. Any policy or document outlining which pages should routinely have this applied
  9. Any emails/minutes/correspondence discussing blocking search engine indexing
  10. Configuration of Cloudflare bot protection - explicitly whitelisted bots, explicitly banned bots
  11. Dates of Cloudflare configuration changes for the last 24 months
  12. Type of Cloudflare subscription/service purchased by GMC
  13. When Cloudflare was adopted by the GMC/ their suppliers
  14. Any emails/minutes/correspondence discussing blocking archiving of the GMC website

I will try to submit these requests myself and will update this page as new information becomes available. If you have already submitted requests and receive something that you think is relevant please get in contact and I will add it to this page. Any feedback, comments, criticism, correction or suggestions on what is have outlined are also much appreciated.

  1. The GMC will also soon regulate the misleadingly named: Physician Associates (née Physician Assistants) and Anaesthesia Associates (née Physician Assistants (Anaesthesia)

  2. Yes if you continue to scroll back to 2021 there is a 4xx error on the 27th of February but this appears to be much more likely either a genuine server error or misconfiguration by the crawler. 

  3. The impacted archivists/ bots included:


  4. Confusion that is that is greater than the misleading language of associate vs. assistant, or medical professional. See the current legal challenge of the GMC being organised by Anaesthetists United. 

Last Update
Update History 3152
  • Fix image paths
  • The GMC - A Regulator Afraid of Transparency